Sunday, July 1, 2012

Change is good...within a foundation of right behavior.

I have been reading about narcissism in this society.  I have also been listening to and reading various people who are working to help all of us grow and change during this Uranus-Pluto  square that is affecting everyone.  As usual, I have realized that in the effort to help others, some of the messages are missing important details that I feel would be helpful.

One such message is about shame.  It is true that all of us have had shame drilled into us from childhood onward and that some of it is unhealthy for our personal growth.  However, to counter that the light workers who are out there now are telling everyone to work on getting rid of the shame.  They keep saying that shame is bad, that shame is harmful to us, that  we must stop allowing shame to be a part of our lives. The problem as I see it is this:  if narcissism is an epidemic in our culture (and several authors, psychologists and others have said it is) that message is missing an important part.  

It IS important to stop feeling the shame that holds us back from realising our full selves BUT it isn't a good idea to get rid of all shame entirely.  Some shame is necessary to keep us doing what we should as a being among other beings.  For example, the shareholders and CEO of BP should have shame for what they did to the Gulf of Mexico in their drive for profits.  A person should feel shame if they indulge their desires to the point that it breaks up their marriage or another's marriage.  These are just two examples of how shame can be a good tool to deter behavior which harms ourselves or another. 

So while we should look at the shame we feel in our lives and dig through it (Pluto), we should not be sending the message that all shame is bad for us;  it isn't.   Shame serves as a gatekeeper (Capricorn) so that people don't do things which could harm themselves or others. 

Another message I am hearing that is coming from some light-workers is about working on and accepting our shadows.  It is a great idea to work on accepting the shadow side of ourselves but again, it isn't a great idea to use that work to justify acting on our shadow  desires. 

It is especially important to love yourself and  look at and accept your shadow (Pluto)  but a good idea to not indulge it.    Too many light-workers are telling people to accept and love their shadow selves without adding that  important part.  Too many people are using the "I am accepting my shadow" excuse to justify behaviors which are destructive and harmful.  There must be a clarification so that people understand what accepting your shadow really means; loving yourself despite the unacceptable parts you find within while still remaining in the foundations  (Capricorn) of integrity and compassion for yourself and others. 

The last message I am seeing which disturbs me is the biggest one and which has been ongoing since the last Uranus-Pluto aspect (which was a conjunction).  That is the "work on yourself " message.  I agree that we must work on ourselves (Aries)  but since the 1960's, we have been working on ourselves (self-actualization, self-improvement, self-work)  so much that often it is to the exclusion of working on helping our fellow human beings.  The message needs to change.  The message needs to be "work on yourself while you work to help others."  That is a more balanced message.  That is less about "me, me, me,"  (which may have added to the narcissism we are experiencing today and the so-called "Me generation") and more about US (Uranus).  

If we are going to be light-workers to birth the new paradigms we know are coming, we need to make sure we send the right message. We need to make sure people work on freeing themselves of the chains which hold them back while still remembering the healthy parameters in which to live. 

In other words, we can  transform (Pluto) within limits (Capricorn) while embracing the sudden changes and awakenings (Uranus) which are blossoming within all of us (Aries).  That is the message I am sending and one I hope to see more light-workers send as well. 

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