So many of us in the awareness of a change have known a change is needed but the question is; which paradigm WILL change? There are several that need to change; that much is clear.
For example, a shift from an instant-gratification society to a long-term vision one would make a huge difference in how humans treat the earth, our children and one another. Some Native cultures had that long-range vision and they did well until European conquerors came and converted them to a religion which places humans in dominion over everything else on the planet.
Another paradigm shift would be from a capitalistic model of economic functioning which harkens back to the first paradigm listed above because of the desire for short-term gains at the expense of long-term resources. The trouble is, we haven't come up with a model that works better than the Big Three; Capitalism, Socialism and Communism (though the last one is a form of government like democracy is). Some have taken socialism and mixed it with the democratic government and it works well for them but there are still issues. Maybe the new economic paradigm is something as yet undiscovered.
A third paradigm shift would be the one wherein humans shift their focus away from materialism and back to spiritualism. Living with a smaller footprint to save the earth and feel connected to the earth and all the living things on it; including one another. That would help us solve the climate change crisis. If we value living things, we will not value showing off our "stuff" but rather helping one another.
A fourth paradigm shift would be away from the controlled-female-fertility model to one in which sexuality of both genders is sacred, not controlled, and accepted in all the forms it takes. That would include heterosexuality, homosexuality, polyamory, bisexuality, monogamy, transgendered sexuality, queer sexuality and all of the variants in-between as long as the participants are not harmed and children are protected. It would also include women being openly sexual and not shamed for that. Males would have to negotiate child-bearing with women instead of trying to control their fertility and then being angry that women won't "put out." If you control something then you cannot fault the thing for remaining in that control.
A fifth paradigm shift may be one in which human beings stop dividing ourselves along racial, gender, sexuality, nationality, culture lines and instead, gather into groups for a more communal way of living. That might affect how we govern ourselves as well; instead of nation states we may form tribal or connected groups which in turn connect with other groups forming large webs.
Which paradigm will change? That's a hard call and it could be one or more that changes. What is inportant is that we help birth it in compassion.
For example, a shift from an instant-gratification society to a long-term vision one would make a huge difference in how humans treat the earth, our children and one another. Some Native cultures had that long-range vision and they did well until European conquerors came and converted them to a religion which places humans in dominion over everything else on the planet.
Another paradigm shift would be from a capitalistic model of economic functioning which harkens back to the first paradigm listed above because of the desire for short-term gains at the expense of long-term resources. The trouble is, we haven't come up with a model that works better than the Big Three; Capitalism, Socialism and Communism (though the last one is a form of government like democracy is). Some have taken socialism and mixed it with the democratic government and it works well for them but there are still issues. Maybe the new economic paradigm is something as yet undiscovered.
A third paradigm shift would be the one wherein humans shift their focus away from materialism and back to spiritualism. Living with a smaller footprint to save the earth and feel connected to the earth and all the living things on it; including one another. That would help us solve the climate change crisis. If we value living things, we will not value showing off our "stuff" but rather helping one another.
A fourth paradigm shift would be away from the controlled-female-fertility model to one in which sexuality of both genders is sacred, not controlled, and accepted in all the forms it takes. That would include heterosexuality, homosexuality, polyamory, bisexuality, monogamy, transgendered sexuality, queer sexuality and all of the variants in-between as long as the participants are not harmed and children are protected. It would also include women being openly sexual and not shamed for that. Males would have to negotiate child-bearing with women instead of trying to control their fertility and then being angry that women won't "put out." If you control something then you cannot fault the thing for remaining in that control.
A fifth paradigm shift may be one in which human beings stop dividing ourselves along racial, gender, sexuality, nationality, culture lines and instead, gather into groups for a more communal way of living. That might affect how we govern ourselves as well; instead of nation states we may form tribal or connected groups which in turn connect with other groups forming large webs.
Which paradigm will change? That's a hard call and it could be one or more that changes. What is inportant is that we help birth it in compassion.
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