Friday, November 26, 2010


Winter Solstice is coming. 

You can feel it in the darkness, the slow turning of the earth, the silence of night.

There will also be a lunar eclipse on that day as well. 

It will truly be the night to welcome back the light. 

The fire will burn brightly and the night sky will be luminous with stars. 

As the Wheel of the Year turns and the beginning of the season of winter comes again, it is time to revel in the returning of the light.  Yet light is symbolic of more than just the life-giving sun;  light is symbolic of  knowledge,  awareness and intuition.  Our society has fallen into the darkness of conservative hate,  closed-mindedness,  and fear.  Even as the sun returns, we must bring the return of sanity and reason and compassion in our society; we must shine the light of these in everything we do.  Spread the light of knowledge and honesty, caring for one another as we struggle for change.

Bring back the light and shine it into the dark spaces we all fear most; our love, our sexuality, our feelings, our relationship with our planet,  and the living things and people on it. 

Let us welcome the return of the Light.

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