Monday, December 31, 2012

About 2012.....

This year, 2012, saw several memorable moments but for ME the one memorable moment was not a personal one. It was instead that moment when the silent majority stood up with their votes and rejected the Religious Right and Tea Party Ayn Randists about bashing the poor and the vets and the seniors and the students and the working families and single mothers and racism and sexism and the misogynists with their intense focus on women's reproductive rights and the homophobes and voted Obama BACK into office. They voted in a mixed race president who is Gen Jones, lived abroad during his formative years (meaning he is a TCK) who is pro-gay rights, pro women's reproductive and pay rights, pro green energy, for the poor and vets and seniors and students and working families and single mothers and fathers and pro CHILDREN.  This year is when the dominant, dominionistic, white male hegemony found that they are NOT the majority any more. 

That one moment when the usually quiet and slumbering giant awakened and said a resounding ENOUGH was worth all the rest of the misery, less-money-having, higher-price-paying, family-belt-tightening we had to endure this year. It was surely worth every bit of it.

THE SLEEPING MAJORITY HAS AWAKENED! Know that we will NOT continue to allow the poorest and least and oldest and sickest and veterans and gays and brown skinned and women and families among us to be persecuted, marginalized or taxed to death. We will NOT allow the folks who pretend to be on God's side (but who are actually on the side of the greedy rich or themselves) to run this country. PERIOD.

We have spoken and we will not be denied.


Kal said...

Hi Cassandra, I was interested to read that you were also a student of Beth Underwood's. I studied under her in the early '80s. I had taken her class in Intermediate Astrology. Alas, in the early '90s I lost all of her class notes! :( I was hoping/praying you still have yours and might be willing to help me replace my copies! Best wishes, Kal

Cassandra said...


If you want to e-mail me I have some of my notes from her class. My e-mail is
